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Monday, May 2, 2011

Objective 40: Cellular and non-cellular immunity

Non-cellular Immunity
Humoral Immunity aka non-cellular immunity is the world of antibodies and non-cellular means of killing foreign agents within the body. An antibody is generally specific to the thing being attacked. It's called having antigen-specificity. For example, you never or I have never heard of anyone getting chicken pox twice. Because, either through vaccination or actually having the disease, you made antibodies to the specific virus causing chicken pox. The chicken pox virus was the "antigen" which signaled the making of the antibody which was made against only that virus. Finally, long lasting cells inside your body kept that specific memory alive so that antibodies to chicken pox could always be created immediately just in case your exposed later in life. It's a pretty good system; we have antibodies against practically anything we have ever been exposed to and fought off in our entire life.  

Cell mediated
Cell mediated immunity begins where everything in the immune system begins-in the bone marrow. The bone marrow makes nearly all of the components of the blood. Bone marrow-based stem cells form two kinds of lymphocytes, T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes. I just read my textbook one night and try to absorb everything I could.  I remember this was a hard concept in lecture to follow it seemed as though no one knew anything about these two immunities.

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