Everyone who is grown should know what the gonads are but for those who may not they are the testes aka nuts or balls and of course the ovaries. Testes for the male, ovaries for the female. There was really no need for me to be taught this information because I already knew this information through life and possibly the sixth grade. For anyone who is 18 and older and does not know that men produce testosterone and women produce estrogen has to be living on another planet. You may get away by the skin of your teeth about not knowing about progesterone but estrogen and testosterone uh-uh noooo baby. As far as the function of the gonadal hormones, testosterone starts the maturation process of the male reproductive organs during puberty. Also during puberty, secondary sex characteristics such as facial hair, deeping of the voice, body hair in general start to initiate. In females, estrogen does the exact thing in females except the sex characteristics are different. Along with estrogen, progesterone starts breast formation and the menstral cycle.
All of this information was already known by yours truly. Since I already knew this objective, here is a chart below that gives a little in sight of the gonadal hormones and their function.
Ovaries | Estrogen | It controls the development of female sex characteristics and the reproductive system. |
| Progesterone | Prepares the lining of the uterus for implantation of a fertilized egg and readies the mammary glands to secrete milk. |
Testes | Testosterone | It controls the development of sexual characteristics in men and the reproductive system. |