Works Cited

Friday, April 29, 2011

Objective 74, 76 &77: Distinguish between diploid germ cells and haploid sex cells, Differentiate between zygote, morula, and blastocyst & Recognize that a blastocyst secretes human gonadotropin, which prolongs the life of the corpus luteum

This video basically broke down objective 76 for me.  Me being a women and having conceived twin boys I can honestly say that I had no idea that all of this goes on inside women.  I learned throughout my BIO career that a zygote is a fertilized egg.  I noticed that the above video does not state what a zygote is. What a zygote is which I have stated before is a fertilized egg.  How it becomes that way is between two haploid cells; an ovum from a female and a sperm from a male, which comes together to form a diploid cell.  Other than not explaining what a zygote was, the video did a nice job in teaching about the morula and a blastocyst.
I also thought the video delved into objective 77.  In describing how a zygote is formed I basically just answered objective 74.  How I learned to distinguish between the two is from way back in BIO 100.  I remember associating the di in diploid with two, a sperm and ovum joined.  So that is how I distinguish between haploid and diploid.

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