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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Objective 29: Compare arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins

I think I actually learned about these vessels in BIO 100 and how I remembered the function of the arteries was that since arteries started with the letter a and the function of the arteries is to transport blood away from the heart.  I associated the a in away and  in arteries to remember.  I also established that veins are the opposite to  veins in that they transport blood to the heart.  I remember  taking a test in BIO 100 about  what vessels are the smallest  and I answered capillaries.  So after the test I went online to see if I picked the correct answer and I did so I always remember that.  Also I believe in BIO 100, 210, and 211 I know Mrs. Gess kept saying that capillaries deals with diffusion.  Arterioles and venules from my understanding are basically the go betweens between the arteries and capillaries and the capillaries and veins. 

The clearest I remember learning about the structure of the vessels was when we dissected or observed the sheep's heart.   I remember seeing an artery and comparing it to a vein.  The artery had a thick wall that was strong and flexible.  Also I saw a vein and its wall was thinner than the arteries but their lumen were larger than the arteries.  I also learned that they  both have three layers.  Capillaries, I always will know is the smallest vessel because it just consists of a thin tunica intima.  Making it suitable for the exchanges of substances between the blood and interstitial fluid.  Venules are small also and are formed when capillaries fuse together.   Arterioles have about one or two layers of smooth muscle.  The below picture gives you a great look at each vessel.

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